Lately, I've been thinking of getting another animal as a pet...
- This animal can get big, over one hundred pounds, and sometimes over two hundred.
- It can produce feces that weigh upwards of two pounds each.
- It can produce up to 110 decibels of noise at all hours (an air conditioner makes 80 decibels).
- Usually friendly, in certain situations, and especially without proper training, it can be violent and aggressive. One thousand people got to the E.R. every day becasue of attacks from this animal-in 2010, 34 people died from these attacks.
- The Centers for Disease Control list 16 diseases and parasites that this animal can transmit to humans, one of which is so severe that preventative medical treatment is leaglly required.
Can you guess what animals we are talking about?
That's right, the good old dog. They can be loud, smelly and down right dangerous, but
there are 77.5 million dogs in the U.S., so some how the problems with sounds, noises and other circumstances are manageable in some way.
In many ways, what we think of as acceptable is based on what we have known. Having complete, accurate information can change perceptions.
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